Where We Went Wrong Visiting Barcelona: A Tale of Missed Opportunities and Disappointments

Barcelona, a city renowned for its vibrant culture, stunning architecture, and bustling beaches, is a dream destination for many. However, our recent trip as inexperienced travelers painted a different picture. In this article, we share our candid experience of why our stay in Barcelona didn’t quite meet our expectations, leading us to spend most of our time in Badalona, a neighboring town.

Barceloneta Beach: A Crowded and Littered Shoreline

Our first venture into Barcelona led us to the famous Barceloneta Beach. Entering at the intersection of C/ de Pepe Rubianes and Pg. Marítim de la Barceloneta, we were immediately struck by the overwhelming crowd, even on a weekday. As we strolled south towards Sant Miquel Beach and Sant Sebastià Beach, we found it much less busy. Soon, the reason for the thinning crowd became clear – the area is popular for nude sunbathing, predominantly by men.

Seeking a more comfortable spot, we moved back north, only to find rough waves and a rocky, litter-strewn shore. The water quality and cleanliness were disappointing, making swimming unappealing. This experience cut our beach day short, and we soon retreated to a nearby beach bar for a beer before leaving. For those interested, here’s a list of Barcelona’s beaches with their locations and water quality information.

The Sagrada Familia: A Surreal Sight Marred by Timing and Accessibility

A trip to Barcelona would be incomplete without seeing the iconic Sagrada Familia. We visited at night, which, while surreal, presented a stark contrast between the ancient architecture and ongoing construction. The sight was impressive, but the fact that it was closed and we couldn’t explore the interior was a letdown.

Visiting at night was a misstep, and we regret not getting tickets for a daytime interior tour. For future visitors, we recommend booking tickets in advance online, which typically range from €20-30, to fully appreciate Gaudí’s masterpiece.

Dow Jones Bar: A Novelty That Didn’t Live Up to the Hype

Intrigued by a viral video, we headed to the Dow Jones Bar, a stock-market-themed establishment where drink prices fluctuate. Despite the unique concept, our experience was underwhelming.

The narrow, crowded bar made it difficult to move or order drinks. The loud music and boisterous crowd added to the discomfort, and we noticed no price changes during our visit. The drinks menu, with its quirky names, lacked descriptions, making it challenging to choose. Ultimately, the novelty wore off quickly, and we left after one drink.

La Boqueria Market: A Disappointing Culinary Adventure

Our next stop was La Boqueria Market, located off the bustling La Rambla street. Arriving towards the end of the day, we found many stands closed or unoccupied. The food, though visually appealing, seemed stale, reheated, and underwhelming in taste.

The highlight was the artisanal shops selling jams, hot sauces, and olive oils. We also tried some sweets, which were decent but not extraordinary. La Rambla, famous for its vibrancy, felt overwhelmingly touristy, prompting us to explore quieter side streets.

Passeig de Joan de Borbó: A Street to Avoid

Our walk down Passeig de Joan de Borbó in the Barceloneta district was another low point. The street, lined with restaurants and aggressive salespeople, was off-putting. An uncomfortable encounter with a restaurant owner who followed us down the street after we declined to dine there left a sour taste.

We suggest crossing Passeig de Joan de Borbó to the boardwalk by Marina Port Vell where the Museum of the History of Catalonia is located. Interesting street vendors and performers created a more enjoyable atmosphere with seemingly better dining options.

The Unexpected Retreat to Badalona: A Respite from the Bustle of Barcelona

As it was the end of our trip to Spain, we wanted to stay on the beach to get a bit more of a quiet atmosphere. We checked into our Airbnb in Badalona, a charming coastal town just a stone’s throw away from Barcelona. Located only about 20 minutes northeast of Barcelona’s city center, Badalona offered a peaceful refuge from the hectic pace of the big city.

See our complete review of staying in Badalona, from the beaches to the food.

Conclusion: Overwhelmed and Underwhelmed in Barcelona

Our three-night stay in Barcelona left us feeling overwhelmed by the crowds and underwhelmed by the experiences. As non-history buffs, we found the city’s allure in its architecture and famous sites insufficient to compensate for the downsides. We missed out on discovering hidden gems due to the city’s size and touristy nature. Looking back, there’s much we would change for a potential revisit, as we believe Barcelona has much more to offer than what we experienced. Stay tuned for our next article, where we’ll explore how we could redo our trip to truly uncover the magic of Barcelona.