A Brief Encounter with Porto: Our One-Day Adventure in Portugal’s Coastal Gem

Welcome to our travel diary, where we, two enthusiastic yet inexperienced globetrotters, share our whirlwind 24-hour journey through the charming city of Porto, Portugal. Often overshadowed by its big sister, Lisbon, Porto’s unique allure captivates those who seek a blend of traditional charm and modern vibrancy. Our brief visit was packed with discoveries, from the bustling streets of Ribeira to the serene ocean views of Matosinhos. Join us as we recount our experiences, missteps, and the unforgettable flavors of this coastal wonder.

Choosing Our Stay: A Balcony with a View

Matosinhos ocean view

Our Porto adventure began with a night’s stay at an Airbnb in Matosinhos, a choice driven by our desire to be close to the ocean. The promise of a balcony facing the sea for 179 euros seemed irresistible. However, the chilly Atlantic waters at the tail end of August deterred our swimming plans. Although the ocean view was a soothing sight, we soon realized the location’s drawbacks. Being far from downtown Porto, we found ourselves in a quieter area with limited options for dining and entertainment. This sparked our first travel lesson: Sometimes, convenience and proximity to city hotspots outweigh the allure of a scenic stay.

A Missed Opportunity in Ribeira

Our desire to immerse ourselves in Porto’s vibrant heart led us to rue our decision to stay away from the city center. The Ribeira district, nestled along the Douro River, emerged in our minds as the ‘one that got away.’ This picturesque neighborhood, known for its colorful houses and lively atmosphere, would have been an ideal base for our explorations.

The Quest for Francesinha

Francesinha-Lado B Café

Our culinary adventure centered around Francesinha, a Porto delicacy we discovered through Anthony Bourdain’s “Parts Unknown.” Our first attempt at Café Santiago was thwarted by long lines and a lack of guidance. Undeterred, we wandered through Porto’s streets in search of this famed sandwich. Our persistence paid off at Lado B Café (Coliseu), where the Francesinha was nothing short of a revelation. This local specialty, a sandwich layered with various meats, covered in melted cheese and drenched in a rich tomato and beer sauce, was a flavor explosion worth every effort. The café’s crowded setting and tightly packed tables did little to diminish the joy of our culinary find.

A Tip for Francesinha Hunters

Our takeaway for fellow Francesinha enthusiasts: Don’t get caught up in the hype of famous spots. Porto is peppered with countless eateries serving this delicious sandwich, especially in the Bolhão district. Sometimes, the best experiences are found in the least expected places.

An Evening of Missed Fado and City Splendors

As night fell, our search for a traditional Fado house, a quintessential Portuguese experience, was met with disappointment. Our lack of reservations left us outside looking in. This brought another travel lesson to the fore: Always book ahead, especially for cultural experiences like Fado, which often require dinner reservations.

view from Porto Cathedral

Undeterred, we took to the enchanting streets of Porto. The historic Porto Cathedral offered a breathtaking nighttime view, a perfect prelude to our stroll along the Douro River’s boardwalk. Our night culminated at O Restaurante da Alzira, a bustling spot with stunning views of the river, the Mosteiro da Serra do Pilar, and the iconic Ponte Luís I bridge. The lively atmosphere, coupled with the beautiful backdrop of Vila Nova de Gaia, was a fitting end to our day.

Conclusion: A Promise to Return

Our fleeting visit to Porto left us with a mix of joy, culinary delights, and a tinge of regret. In just one day and night, we barely scratched the surface of this city’s rich tapestry. From the missed swim in the ocean to the unexperienced Fado melodies, our journey was a testament to Porto’s multifaceted charm. This experience has only fueled our desire to return, to dive deeper into the heart of this beautiful city and truly experience all that Porto has to offer. For fellow travelers, our message is clear: Give Porto the time it deserves, and you will be rewarded with memories to last a lifetime. Porto, we promise to return.