Meet the Idiots Behind Two Idiots Abroad!

Matt & Mike: Two Friends, One Journey

We’re Matt and Mike, two friends who have known each other since high school. We’ve always been there for each other, working together, playing music, and enjoying many beers.

Matt: The Lawyer with a Taste for Adventure

Matt is married with two kids and two dogs. By day, he’s a lawyer, but outside of work, he enjoys concerts and trying new restaurants.

Mike: The Musician with a Spice for Life

Mike is single with one dog and works for a cannabis company. He plays in bands, loves going to concerts, and is always on the hunt for spicy foods.

Two Idiots Abroad: More Than Just a Name

Together, we form Two Idiots Abroad. This website is our dedicated space to share our travels. Recently, we started traveling together, turning our shared experiences into stories worth telling.

Here, you can expect to find photos of the places we’ve been and travel tips we’ve picked up along the way. We also share recommended travel gear posts and general tips for traveling.

Join us as we explore the world, one adventure at a time. With every tale, we hope to inspire, inform, and entertain.

Thanks for coming along for the ride. Adventure awaits, so let’s explore together!